Thursday, January 5, 2017

Obamacare is not the problem. It's our shameful care of our seniors

Another day, another assault on the elderly.  I'm not talking about the actions of House Republicans.  I'm talking about the lack of action on our seniors.  Like healthcare, senior-care is outrageously expensive.  Some can afford it. Most can't.  The average worth of retired seniors, including home equity, is less than $50,000.  Social security is an essential for 2/3 of our seniors.
What do our leaders do?  They look to cut and limit these meager stipends.  God forbid you actually require help.  We will help you once you are left with essentially no assets.  Is this compassion??  For our parents??
If senior solutions are an issue that you feel require more innovation, I beg you to take a look at the solutions at  I will avoid details, they are readily available on the site.  Suffice it to say that by providing a network of caregiver homes, Room2Care is the AirBNB of senior care.  It allows for low cost ways to provide support to keep our parents in the community.
Learn more at
For Seniors, there's a lot to be sad about

Monday, October 17, 2016

ISIS IS BS Grandma is the Real Threat to the Union

Tomorrow will be the last debate of the never-ending presidential campaign.  I dont want to hear about the secret plan to crush ISIS.  A bunch of losers on the back of pick up trucks in a disaster formerly known as Syria is not an existential threat to this great country.  Yes, they have inspired some terrorist activities.  From 2005 to 2015 24 Americans have been killed on US soil by acts of terror[1] .  Sure, its an issue; but a real threat to this country?  Give me a break!!

Contrast that with Grandma.  By 2050, the population of those greater than 65 will double.  The population of those greater than 85 will triple. How are we dealing with that? Half of married seniors and 70% of single seniors rely on social security for more than half of their income.  The average senior retires with $50,000 of assets (including home equity)

How are we as a nation supposed to deal with this?  During this election we have learned how to remove emails and have gotten a play by play plan for sexual assault, but no one has discussed how to cope with this financial burden. 

The average cost for a nursing home bed is $225 a day ($82,000 per year)  Assisted living facilities average $3500 per month.  Where does this money come from?

Needless to say, at the end of the day it comes from all of us.  Medicaid ends up paying the lion share of nursing home costs.  How will we manage this going forward?  How will an increasingly nonwhite working force pay for the living expenses of aged white baby boomers?

We need to become creative in how we approach this.  Our current model is simply not sustainable. is the leading company in developing a new model of low cost senior support.  Instead of being placed in a facility, seniors are placed in the homes of carefully screen caregivers.  This network of caregiver homes can provide support for a small fraction of what we are paying these institutions.

Isnt it time to look to safeguard and protect our countrys future, not only from terrorists, but from the far more clear and present danger; the care of our parents and grandparents. 


Friday, July 20, 2007

Where Do We Begin

America is a nation created for the people and by the people.  We now have a government that is not interested in its constitutional mission (as described in the preamble) of "promoting the general welfare" of its citizenry. Instead it's interested in promoting corporate welfare. 

Presently, nearly all of our national issues can be described in two ways; what is good for corporate balance sheets and what is best for our citizenry.  Presently at every juncture, our government chooses corporate profits.  This takes the form of actual cash support as well as an invisible corporate tax upon americans.

How does this invisible tax work? If I eat the fish my boys and I catch in the bay, it's likely that you could tell the temperature from looking at our abdomens. (mercury levels...) Companies dump their waste in our waters and in our air.  We are told that it would be too costly to clean these byproducts.  But, I never agreed to drink poluted water to keep GE extremetly profitable. 

Govenment needs to be fact based and science based and must focus on the remedies that truly benefit the health and wellbeing of our citizens

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Brief Definition

What Are We?
What a stupid name for a web site.  It barely makes sense.  What's the point.
What are we is a question and a challenge.  It is now a crucial time for our country.  It is imperative for us (or U.S.) to define what we are as a nation.
What are we? We are the people and we want our country back.